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Solemnly declare on support for the new advertisement law regulations

Number of visits:2634
  On September 1, 2019 new advertisement law rules all pages may not appear absolute words and functional words, we support the new advertisement law, have been trying to modify the company website obvious area.
  In this solemn statement: the company all the absoluteness of words on a page and the functional words failure, not as an excuse for any compensation. Not obvious area we will gradually screening and improve the modify and amend the full page.
  We do not accept and do not compromise to Internet fraud in the name of any form of fraud, please make way for the real customers! Rights is a two-way street, I hope you understand consumers.
  Ultimate words, if the company in the highest advertising slogan, said all within the scope of the company such as contrast, commodity indirect comparison, only now sold in our company and comparison between previous sales of the commodity, does not involve the use of other business operators, such as "the most suitable for" said the company in the most appropriate, if you have any questions please contact our customer service!
